WEBSITES & ARTICLES - The memorial fund for George Floyd - his family is redistributing as they see fit to bail funds and other BLM supported orgs. - Action steps for Jabbers to be involved in their own communities. - An easier to digest article to understand why “white privilege” is uncomfortable to talk about and breaks it down to make it more understandable for those who may be uncomfortable acknowledging this. - A livestream done by SURJ - Showing Up for Racial Justice, they have local chapters across the U.S. that individuals can get involved in and they are “no pressure” meetings to learn more about what it looks like to support POC in your own community. - Where most of the protests are happening, it is now known that 80% of protestors present are from out of state and many are white agitators meaning they are there to cause disturbances between the police and peaceful protestors. - A Google doc that breaks things down city by city of where you can donate and resources for learning what to do when showing up to protest and ways you can hold space without being physically present to protest. - Another google doc that breaks down similar things to the previous one, but also includes resources for other families of black folkx who have been murdered by the police such as Breonna Taylor. - Bail fund for individuals who are being arrested in NYC and is redistributed to all of the boroughs. - A virtual class that individuals can take that is from a WOC that is really helpful in noticing microaggressions and understanding that racism is not binary, meaning you are “not racist” or “racist”, it is a spectrum which is why it’s important to be engaged in the work of antiracism. - “The Great Unlearn” - Rachel Cargle. Another virtual class that individuals can take that is based in similar things and is updated monthly with a different focus topic. - An important article on how we use the term “looting” and to rethink how you share videos on media. - Guided meditations with the intention to heal subconscious racial biases. - An organization leading a movement to make society more racially-just. A large focus they have is on getting white people involved so that it isn’t only people of color carrying the conversation. They hold virtual events and you can also join a chapter for more engagement in the organization. - An article about why folkx are calling for systematic reform OR abolishment of the institution of the police academy b/c of its foundation + roots being in slave catching. - A breakdown of the word “ally” or “allyship” and how as individuals who are not a part of a specific community that we do not get to claim that term, it is given to us and even then to not use it to center ourselves in the conversation. There’s a video on privilege that demonstrates different types of privilege and how they can allow you a greater footing in the world. - An organization dedicated to Black liberation and to collective liberation. - A place where you can look up your local prosecutors, find out where they stand on specific issues and when they are up for reelection. - An aggregated list of anti-racism resources - quite comprehensive. - An article that breaks down white privilege. - An article from the Atlantic on the history of our first Black president. 



  1. Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson (Founder, Executive Director of EJI)

  2. The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

  3. Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

  4. Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? By Beverly Daniel Tatum

  5. White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo 

  6. How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi

  7. Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad

  8. So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo

  9. Raising White Kids by Dr. Jennifer Harvey (there are mom Jabbers)

  10. Dear White Christians by Dr. Jennifer Harvey (there are people of faith jabbers)

  11. I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing-Brown

  12. Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Ibram X. Kendi, Jason Reynolds

  13. Beyond the Pale: White Women, Racism, and History by Vron Ware


  • Examine who you follow on social media and diversify the voices that are present

  • Make sure you are registered to vote and that you are prepared for upcoming elections by requesting absentee ballots/finding out how your district is handling voting during the pandemic

  • If you find yourself overwhelmed by the amount of resources out there, choose one. Tomorrow, choose a different one. Recognize that these topics are complex and can be taken day by day.